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N = Nutrition

Eating is the “N” in E.N.V.Y. Food -- what to eat and what not to eat -- has become not only confusing, but a borderline obsession for many of us. There are hundreds of dietary theories and thousands of books written on the subject of diet and nutrition (gluten, protein, Paleo, organic, water, supplementation… the list is endless!). The information out there changes frequently and is often contradictory.


The bottom line (and you know this!) is…. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!


We may well know this, but there is so often a disconnect with knowing this statement to be true and what you actually do. EVERY thing you put in your mouth affects your health, your body, your skin, your energy, your mood … There is no way around this!


How Living with E.N.V.Y can help.


Living With E.N.V.Y. and Lean With E.N.V.Y. are simple, straightforward eating guides to keep or to move your body, mind and spirit to feeling and looking your best. Eating is one of the great pleasures in life. Nourishing our bodies well need not be complicated.


In Living With E.N.V.Y. , I’m excited to share my beliefs on how to eat well – both for everyday eating and for those who want to eat well and lose weight. I’d like to take some of the confusion out of what and how to eat, simply and deliciously. Unless you love to spend a lot time preparing good food, know that it is not a requirement to do so to eat well. A small amount of advanced planning for your meals a half or even a full week ahead will save you time and money – but more importantly, it will ensure that you have wholesome, fresh foods in your fridge and pantry so your meals and snacks are nutritious and not laden with empty calories and preservatives. Be on the lookout for upcoming posts on this topic!


Lastly, please know that “Diets” don’t work!


They set us up for self-sabotage through deprivation, labeling foods as ‘good or bad’’ or require obsessive calorie or carb counting. As I mentioned above, eating should be pleasurable, not complicated and definitely not detrimental to your beautiful life. There is no ONE correct way to eat. Our bodies, our tastes, our beliefs all factor into how and what we eat.


I can’t wait to share information, tips and recipes on Living With E.N.V.Y to help you to clean and green your body and mind – eating simply and deliciously! 


V.ision > 

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."
- Maya Angelou

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