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"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."
- Helen Keller
V = Vision Noun


The act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be;a vivid, imaginative conception or anticipation.


The ‘V’ or ‘Vision’, holds tremendous power towards Living With E.N.V.Y. Vision is taking action on what is not yet real. There is so much potential for creating positive change in our lives through properly aligning our thoughts. We live in a time where our thoughts are so often fragmented, cluttered and ‘foggy’. We are trained to jump at the ping of our phone or feel a need to obsessively check email. I fully believe that due to our world of (incredible) technology, there is a downside. The faster we receive information, the more urgency or sense of immediacy we perceive there to be, the more chaos in our minds.


Through Living With E.N.V.Y., you will learn ways to quiet the chaos, learn how to get out of your own way, and come to understand that our brains are not meant to multi-task.


Conscious Daydreaming


Through what I call ‘Conscious Daydreaming’ -- which is nothing more complicated then allowing yourself a set amount of time each day to be quiet and to let your mind free-associate, without a purpose or plan or task attached – you will start to live life from your heart’s desires, your true passions. ‘Conscious Daydreaming’ is a simple, learned skill which I will explain in greater detail in upcoming Blogs.


The benefits of fine-tuning your Vision are vast and the potential health benefits are enormous. Vision leads to action.. Action changes our lives.


(En)Vision your BEST life and start living fully and turning your wildest (day) dreams into your reality!


This is truly Living With E.N.V.Y.!
Y.oga > 

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