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{Nutrition} My Go-To Breakfast Protein Shake

The best thing about drinking a Protein Shake for breakfast is that you can easily get half of your daily protein needs, fiber, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, Omega 3’s, and loads of greens at breakfast alone… And if you need more, you can make it in 5 minutes flat and take it with you – and if you don’t have 5 extra minutes in the morning, make it the night before and put it in the freezer overnight.

I throw all the ingredients into my Vitamix (in the order below – order matters!) – any high speed blender will do. I drink half on my way to work out or to teach class and then give it a shake and drink the rest later in the morning. It will sustain you!

Best of all, it’s really delicious!

1.5 Cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1 HUGE handful organic baby spinach

1 Tbsp natural almond butter

1 Tbsp chia seeds

½ Cup frozen organic blueberries

½ frozen banana

2 Scoops ARBONNE Vanilla Protein Shake Mix

1 Scoop ARBONNE Fiber Boost

1 Packet ARBONNE Digestion Plus (Pre- and Pro-Biotic.. immunity booster)

1 scoop ARBONNE Greens Balance (super alkalizing blend of spriulina, greens, vegs and fruits)

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

¼ tsp. pure vanilla extract

Blend on a low speed to start until greens and fruit are chopped – then, blast on your highest speed setting for 30 seconds.


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