The Waiting is the Hardest Part...
Falling into the trap of putting life off -- waiting for the magic moment to make a big change, or to tackle a project that involves vulnerability or one of "putting yourself out there" may be more of a bad habit than a personality disorder. I know I'm guilty. Fear of not being ready or fear of not knowing enough ("imposter syndrome") are my usual culprits. While waiting is sometimes beneficial, that 'not reacting in a flurry of emotion' kind of pausing, being in a state of "analysis paralysis" causes and continues to closed loop circuit of anxiety and self-doubt. I find myself literally coaching myself out loud to take a few deep breaths and then ask myself the age-old question, "What's the worst that's going to happen here?". Doing nothing isn't usually the answer. Taking action and then moving on brings clarity, brings me right here, right now.